Diary Quest Cost

Here is the minimum-maximum list of items required for a STOLEN diary set.

This has been calculated from known ingredients and recipes.

Numbers like this (50-100) are the spread between the minimum required and the absolute maximum.

The actual amount will likely be at the higher end of this estimate.

Tier 1 Ingredients
Azure Silk Bird Wing Bear's Tooth Canine Tooth Dragon Fan
500 125 120 120 25
Plated Skin Fine Metal Armored Plated Skin Prism Amber Dark Amber
840-2145 560-1430 508-1204 441-829 275-500
Hot Coal Unleashed Anger Ghostly Essence Beautiful Leather Amber
168-429 128-350 55-100 52-1300 36-69
Scribe's Book Grain of Sand Ambrosia Cloth Scribe's Pen
36-69 35-700 33-60 30-750 24-46
Fine Snake Meat Fine Cloth Trapped Soul Snake Meat Heavy Rock
20-500 20-500 14-210 10-250 5-100
Fighter Essence Rock
4-60 3-60

Plus these additional items required for tier 2 combinations.

Tier 2 Ingredients
Well Crafted White Amber Magical Parchment Tako Ink Magical Texts Well Crafted Amber
15 10 9 8 5
Ink Tao Stone Medium Ju Jak Ring Large Ju Jak Ring Amber
2 4+ 2+ 1+ 23-320
Yellow Amber Winter Potion Ruby Potion White Amber
23-80 13-132 2-240 1-20

Estimated total value

100m - 250m for ingredients
60m - 100m for stolen diary set

Grand Total: 160m-350m

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